Home Secretary visits Luton Airport to watch border security checks

Home Secretary James Cleverly visits Luton Airport. Photo by Andy Taylor / Home Office.Home Secretary James Cleverly visits Luton Airport. Photo by Andy Taylor / Home Office.
Home Secretary James Cleverly visits Luton Airport. Photo by Andy Taylor / Home Office.
He went to see the work done to secure borders ahead of Christmas

The Home Secretary, James Cleverly, visited Luton airport yesterday (December 21) to watch Border Force officers gear up to Christmas.

James Cleverly witnessed officers working to reduce Albanian illegal arrivals coming to the UK - a year-long, ongoing operation by Border Force and Immigration Enforcement.

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Home Secretary, James Cleverly, said: “Thanks to the action we have taken, small boat arrivals from Albania have fallen by 90 per cent this year, and we have returned over 5,000 Albanians in 2023 alone.

“That’s why it’s great to visit Luton Airport today and see some of the frontline teams delivering this vital work to keep our borders secure and people safe.”

Border Force Director General, Phil Douglas, said: “Thanks to the dedicated work of Border Force officers and our close working with airport and industry partners, we are excited about our ambitions for a transformed and more digitised UK border.”