Here’s how Squared housing association inspires lives locally

Here’s how Luton housing association Squared are making a difference to the local housing crisis. Picture June EssexHere’s how Luton housing association Squared are making a difference to the local housing crisis. Picture June Essex
Here’s how Luton housing association Squared are making a difference to the local housing crisis. Picture June Essex
With a cost-of-living crisis putting more people at risk of homelessness, one local organisation is working hard to inspire lives in our local community

Squared is a not-for-profit organisation committed to helping people in Luton affected by homelessness in providing homes, support and opportunities for local people in need.

Squared, which began life 60 years ago, has been working with local people in vulnerable situations since it began.

The organisation began when two churches decided to help solve the lack of safe, affordable housing by buying and maintaining properties. Concerned that the quality of housing for working people affected life opportunities, social mobility and health/life expectancy, these two informal groups both registered themselves as housing associations in 1962.

Lynda Rees, CEO for Squared, said: “By effectively managing the housing stock, we have provided hundreds of people with homes over the years.”

Who does Squared help?

Squared today has over 350 homes for independent living across Luton, Dunstable, Caddington and Barton le Clay, including one bed flats, bedsits and up to four-bedroom homes.

They’re one of the biggest local providers of homes with support, helping people aged 16 to 75 who, for a variety of reasons, find themselves needing safe spaces to rebuild their lives.

As well as housing, Squared provides a cleaning and gardening service, a HR consultancy service and an opportunity for landlords to lease their properties through us to provide even more accommodation to those who need it.

And with demand for temporary accommodation in England hitting its highest level in 25 years Squared’s services are needed now more than ever.

How Squared help

Lynda added: “Although demand for our services is as high as ever, we remain committed to our vision of inspiring lives for every single customer. We’re proud that we don’t just give people a key, we offer on-going support to unlock their potential.”

Squared aims to help break the cycle of homelessness by working with people to encourage them to make the best choice for them, through their coaching model. Their vision of inspiring lives is about enabling customers to become more independent so they can face any future challenges with optimism, utilising the tools they need to overcome them. They encourage all customers to embrace their own strengths and develop strategies to overcome obstacles they may face in their lives.

Squared believe that by providing safe and secure accommodation, which in turn creates stability, leads to peace of mind enabling individuals to rebuild their lives.

The Squared team are on hand to help every customer on their journey to independence, one day at a time.

Get in touch

If you would like to explore how your organisation could partner with Squared, from practical support to project sponsorship or anything in between, visit or call 01582 391 053 for an informal chat.

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